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Go Out Giving

Thoughts for loved-ones near death.  We are always near death. A class of 25 male prisoners spent an hour talking about the lives of well knows celebrities. Near the end the seminar they were asked who’s report card they would you rather turn in; their own or that of any other person?  Two chose Mother […]


Hal would have opened up to Sally completely if he felt wanted. He believed she would have opened up to him if she had felt wanted, but that wasn’t happening. What Sally needed was for Hal to make her feel feminine, desired and worth fighting for. Even if she could have stated her need that […]

The Joy of Connecting with our Inner Friend.

    Resolutions give us pressure and guilt which take up part of our attention and creativity. We can accomplish so much more by asking ourselves, “How good am I at using my ability to think?”      If we looked at thinking as if it’s a competition we’d all make better use of our […]

Accelerate Your Progress

Accelerate Your Progress If this arrow was made up of all the things you could, should or can think of to do today and they were organized in the order of importance to your future with the most valuable closest to the point; how close to the tip was anything you did today?  Unless the majority […]

Life Beyond What You Know

iPad and iPhone If Apple had built the products we asked for, we’d never have some of our favorite i-Toys, tools or tunes today. Their products went beyond our expectations. We can miss out on an extraordinary life if our plan ends with what we know. Our expectations affect our behavior today and all along […]

Book Signing Today at Warwick’s in San Diego

Looking forward to a book signing today at Warwick’s in San Diego.   Come see me starting at Noon today 9-7-14. Located at 7812 Girard Ave. San Diego, CA 92037 Warwicks 7812 Girard Ave San Diego, CA 92037

Goodbye Parenting Hello Fun

We gave our children the very best from before they were born. While they were growing up we did everything we could to help them succeed. All the tender loving care we poured into them did not spare them from having struggles of their own. Life has a way of doing that. For so many […]

Take Charge of Your Thought Habits

Good Thought Habits Lead to Better Decisions Too frequently we go with the first explanation that gets a matter out of our awareness, gives us a temporary benefit, answers a longing, or that seems to eliminate a threat or be okay. Wisdom is the ability to judge the difference between what might just be okay […]

The Blessings in our Deficits

Blessings Our deficits cause us to start out slowly, allowing others to get ahead and set us up for emotional beatings. They can cause us to hide from life. If we don’t take them personally and deal with them just as constraints we have to deal with, we can convert them into assets. Use these […]

Can you Find Peace in Confrontations?

I’ve only had two serious confrontations with one of my kids. Even though both experiences put him on the hot seat, after some awkward moments he thanked me. In both cases, his fear of what was to come was far worse than warranted, so my intrusion actually reduced his anxiety. Leave your big voice, hold […]