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Winning with You-the-TWO

Straight Flush In the card game of life, if you see yourself as a Two when you long to be a face card or an Ace it will distract you. You’ll miss opportunities to complete Straight Flushes and winning hands for others. Like Navy Seals; when God is assigning roles He gives His most difficult […]

Living Rent-Free – Topics Not in the Book

Just like the stock market, appreciation in real estate has its ups and down, but overall the trend is up. We have a limited amount of land and a rapidly increasing population. More and more people are competing for the raw materials needed to build houses, making them more expensive to build. Investing in real estate requires you learn the market, make good common sense decisions, and maintain good credit.

Your ability to pay rent is power. It allows you to buy real estate and all of the appreciation you gain from it happens without your help if you keep the property maintained. In many cases those increases exceed what the owner would be able to save in their lifetime. In their old age, many people could not afford to buy the house they bought 20 or 30 years prior.

There are risks in owning real estate, but the risks
of not owning can be far greater for many people.

Convert Blurting into Bonding

When a person can’t describe their problems or feelings, they hold them in. Often they come out too forcefully at the wrong time with the wrong words and emotions. But blurting is a good way to release pressures. Blurt: to utter suddenly or inadvertently; to divulge impulsively or unadvisedly. This is going to sound clumsy […]

Care Less (AKA Killing with Conscientiousness)

Most people know that prolonged anxiety can and does shorten lives. What they don’t know is that being overly-conscientious is an octane booster for their anxiety. The more they care the more it hurts the sender and the receiver. When we set out to shed our anxiety, it seems like we are being asked to […]

Interview with Dr. C.J. Henius, The Host of HELLO DR CJ

Looking forward to an interview today with Dr CJ Henius the host of HELLODRCJ: Friday the 28th at 2:00 PM PST. Please listen in at on Dr. CJ’s podcast station click here  Dr. C.J. Henius Internet Radio Host of HELLODRCJ About Dr CJ Henius Hello Dr CJ, What’s Life About? has interviewed hundreds of the […]

Do Something That You May Be Afraid Of

What joys can be found in the things you dislike? To keep from feeling inadequate, we say we dislike things we think are beyond our reach or which we lack the courage to go after. We tell others how stuck-up the girl is that we’d walk across burning coals to talk to. As a youth I […]


As an early adult I wrote two letters to my father encouraging him to be more fun. They were kind and well written.  He was a man set in his ways, and since he had been so responsible his entire life he never learned to be lighthearted. He didn’t have that to give. My letters […]

Get Smarter and Last Longer

Get smarter and last longer with vigorous walks with articulate friends and fresh ideas from Get Life Right.