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A Sweet Encounter with Sara

Visualize Blessings


A young lady came into Warwick’s bookstore in La Jolla a few Sundays ago. It was my first signing event, and she lit up the store with her smile. I couldn’t believe my good fortune when she approached my table. She had previously bought a downloaded copy of Get Life Right. Following one of my references to God she stopped reading it. The two of them had recently had a falling out. Since she bought a print version of the book, I know their issue will be temporary.

Visualize blessings as if they appear on the outside of us as powdered sugar. Now the day is perfect, the ocean was swirling around the coves in the background, we’re in one of the most cherished cities on earth and this person is covered with powdered sugar from head to toe. She is covered in God’s love and everyone who sees her can feel it. How could anyone that blessed have issues with God? It seems silly to me, but God knows that growth comes in waves and He takes nothing personally.

Each of us is a Sara to Him. We are all loved and enormously blessed. If we’re having trouble seeing our own sugar or we hesitate in our appreciation He does not give up on us. If we keep an open mind and heart He’ll gently remove our blinders and show us that He is our very BFF. (Best Friend Forever)

Download a free copy of the ebook Get Life Right now for a limited time at www.GetLifeRight.com/tyj


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