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  I wore the standard men’s haircut for 47 years. More than several times before my wife died she had asked me to wear it longer, but when I told the barber he didn’t listen. My girlfriend asked me to wear it longer. When it seemed really long I told my barber to leave it […]

Huge Goals Made Easy

Huge Goals Made Easy Goals that are worthy of all you’ve got produce the most motivation. This process will make them easier to achieve: Stage –Accumulate as much knowledge, tools, and experience as possible before you start or attempt each step. Start – Begin with the step that best prepares you for the one that […]

A Sweet Encounter with Sara

Visualize Blessings   A young lady came into Warwick’s bookstore in La Jolla a few Sundays ago. It was my first signing event, and she lit up the store with her smile. I couldn’t believe my good fortune when she approached my table. She had previously bought a downloaded copy of Get Life Right. Following […]

Overwhelming Happiness

  Our happiness comes from how we view our gifts. We appreciate ourselves when: we “feel” that… we have gifts… we are using them well…. and they are being well received. When any one of those four conditions does not exist happiness can be hard to find and hold onto. Whether our conclusions are accurate […]

Use Your Dragons – The Tasks That Will Benefit You Most

Use Your Dragons The twelve minutes it takes to make and down a cup of coffee in the morning while listening to the news is so sweet because during that time I know that I am doing the next most important thing. In the moments that follow I am already getting apprehensive about the drudgery […]

How trying can beat winning

Some things you absolutely have to get right. But much more often waiting to start until you are sure you can win will slow down your progress. Experience is what you get when you don’t get what you want.  Sometimes the only way you can reach a really important goal is to take a running […]

A Fun Look at Stress Management!

Below is some wisdom circulating through e-mail channels. It’s author is unknown. It is a great lesson on stress. Enjoy! With a raised glass of water, a young lady confidently walked around the room while leading and explaining stress management to an audience. Everyone knew she was going to ask the ultimate question, ‘half empty […]

Your Car is a Window Into Where You Are Going?

Three Cars

What Kind of Car Are You? Our emotions play a huge part in everything we buy. The objects we buy are icons for the feelings we expect to get from having them. Our cars can feed our egos, entertain us, reward us and help us in everything we do. While they tell others what we […]


Certain events and beliefs change the rules we live by. They can cause us to be bold or afraid, beaten or determined, sadder or wiser, to shrink from or rise above. The meanings we attribute to them are called “Tags”. For example if your partner is late for dinner on a regular basis, you could […]

I can take charge of my life. Shelley shares her epiphany with her counselor.

“I can take charge of my life!” Shelley shares her epiphany with her counselor.  Below is an unedited letter from copied and shared with permission from Shelley to her counselor.  (Emphasis is added). “I just wanted to share that I started reading that book…. Get Life Right…I really like it!!! I’ll return your copy and get […]