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Big Picture Thinking Tools

Big Picture Thinking Tools Sally struggled in each of her 16 school years. But because she had good common sense and started her adult life with a winning PLAN, she was able to work around her memory deficits and retire earlier more secure than most. Sally used big picture thinking tools. You will like her […]

Overwhelming Happiness

  Our happiness comes from how we view our gifts. We appreciate ourselves when: we “feel” that… we have gifts… we are using them well…. and they are being well received. When any one of those four conditions does not exist happiness can be hard to find and hold onto. Whether our conclusions are accurate […]

Friends Who Care ­­­­– Share

If you had the best secret in the world and didn’t share it, not even with your best friend, you wouldn’t be much of a friend. The secret is that someone special wants to have a personal relationship with you. He (or she) is handy, helpful, and easy to get along with. It’s your creator, […]

Go Out Giving

Thoughts for loved-ones near death.  We are always near death. A class of 25 male prisoners spent an hour talking about the lives of well knows celebrities. Near the end the seminar they were asked who’s report card they would you rather turn in; their own or that of any other person?  Two chose Mother […]

Do Something That You May Be Afraid Of

What joys can be found in the things you dislike? To keep from feeling inadequate, we say we dislike things we think are beyond our reach or which we lack the courage to go after. We tell others how stuck-up the girl is that we’d walk across burning coals to talk to. As a youth I […]


Thinking in 3D enables leadership.  Almost every choice we make and every encounter we have is an opportunity for leadership. Limiting our thoughts and actions to those that only involve ourselves is thinking in one dimension. Choosing thoughts and solutions that take everyone’s needs into account is like suddenly looking around you with new and […]