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20 Excellent Tips for Making Good Conversation

20 Excellent Tips for Making Good Conversation


Talking is how we teach. And listening is how we learn.  Here are 20 tips to keep your conversations moving along in the right direction:

  1.  Never say anything bad about yourself or another person.
  2. Practice being outgoing, warm, and friendly with everyone until it is natural for you.
  3. Everyone knows something very interesting, and it will please you both if you can get them  to talk about it.
  4. Practice finding the favorite interest of others using the fewest questions.
  5. Reveal personal information at the same rate your conversation partners reveal information about themselves.
  6. Proceed as if the the other person is far more interested in hearing what they have to say than what you will have to say. Direct the conversation back to them as much as possible.
  7. When joining a group of people you don’t know, start talking to the person who appears the most approachable or the one who seems the most left out.
  8. Concentrate on getting to know two or three people better – learn what they do for fun and/or work, or where they grew up.
  9. Remember your shyness makes the other person responsible for entertaining you. Put his comfort ahead of your own.
  10. You show appreciation when you let the speaker know you are paying attention. Occasionally ask a question like, “Can you tell me more about….?” or by redirecting the conversation back to a subject if he gets sidetracked.
  11. Before you change the subject to what you want to talk about, comment or ask the other  at least three questions about his or her current subject.
  12. Make eye contact frequently.
  13. Be aware that most people get more information from your body language and tone than from your words.
  14. Compliment people for what they can do, have done, or are trying to do.
  15. Words that exaggerate or are extreme, like “hate,” “always,”  “never,” “should,” “can’t,” “only,” and “have to,” actually have less power than words that are accurate.
  16. If you make someone feel better about herself, she will feel better about you.
  17. Avoid trumping (having a bigger, better, or more exciting tale to tell).
  18. Ask people about their feelings, their experiences, and their reactions.
  19. Don’t finish other people’s sentences, and don’t start talking until they stop.
  20. When you find a good listener, be merciful.  He is entitled to as much speaking time as you are.


For more tips and advice on making conversations and improving your people skills, download the free ebook, Get Life Right by clicking this link: www.GetLifeRight.com



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